Department of Fashion Design and Management
Chairman of Department
Director, AI-Fashion Lab
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
(08)7703202 #7340 #7109, HE205
Research Topic: Betel Nut Dyeing
Research Items:
Standardization of the Dye Extraction Process
Color Gamut Development and Color Control
Homogeneous Dyeing and Fabric Mass Production
Research Topic:
The analysis of differences between the utensils used by indigenous tribal leaders and those used by commoners using machine learning.
Fashion Design
BINUS Northumbria International University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Project: Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict fashion trends
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Bangladesh
Computer Science and Engineering
Presidency University, Bangalore, India
Wasif Ullah
IIPP Student
Bechelor of Mechanical Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Malaysia
Bechelor of Technology
Veltech University of Science and Technology, India